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August 18, 2005 - 12:23 PM


Ok, I am going to attempt now for the third time to get this entry ENTERED. Hmph.

Ok, so no news on the baby making front yet. Have to wait until beginning of September to see if I get my cycle or not. So pray for me! Joking. I am still trying to decide if this is 100% what I want to do.

I got bored few weeks ago and decided to go search I found a few people that I'd like to contact from high school, but then I decided to do a search on junior high. When I was there I seen that Matt M. Who I went to sixth grade and junior high with had his name listed. I decided to become a member now, so that I could contact him. He sort of disappeared after ninth grade. He wasn't someone that I talked to through junior high, besides the occasional hi and bye as we had classes together. In sixth grade we were friends. We talked a lot back then (well I had the biggest crush on and he and Dawn went out for a few days. I went to his birthday party that year...then junior high came and we had our own friends you know. So I didn't know what kind of reply I would get, if any at all, when I contacted him on Classmates. Much to my surprise he emailed me back like a day after I emailed him. I was waiting a few days to reply, but before I had the chance he IMd me on AIM. That day we talked for like four hours. It was kind of neat. He was all happy that I contacted him. Said he hasn't had contact with anyone in the years he has been gone. Then he made us sound old, making the comment, "so what have you been up to for the past decade?" It hasn't quite been ten years... but pretty darn close. eight years since ninth grade... Oh my where did the time go. But yeah, we have been chatting often now, and that is cool... Anyhow, I did also email a few other people and only got one response so far. That was from Phil, and he don't even remember me. I don't really care that he don't, but I'm thinking this is someone that I hung out with every day through junior year. Even been to his house a few times and he don't remember.. LoL. What kind of drugs has he been doing since then. ;-)

Unfortunately my grandma is back in the hospital. Hmph. I guess since she had that last procedure she has been having difficulties breathing, and because of this she hasn't moved out of her chair. I guess she has even been sleeping in the chair. Well prior to that she had some sores on her legs, and being a diabetic they don't heal easily. Well with her just sitting in that chair they started to like drain I guess. Bleh, from the water she had been retaining. That's not why she went to the hospital though, I guess one morning at about three she couldn't breath. She yelled to my dad (who is a VERY deep sleeper) and he woke up (which shows she must have been screaming) and she told him to call 911 tell them not to put those damn sirens on and to bring oxygen. I haven't heard any more about her condition in a few days. I just hope she gets better. I'll be out there the first week in September, and as horrible as this sounds, I have a feeling that this will be the last time I get to see my gram. I hate feelings like that.. Hmph.

July 16th Amy B. had her baby, and as for Dawn she is still hanging in there. LoL, poor girl was due the 15th. I guess they scheduled her for an induction on the 19th. So we'll see. And as for me, I will keep you all updated on my baby making plans. LoL.

Until next time Ciao!

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